
Jane Ormonde

I am an experienced counsellor, writer, nature connection practitioner and spiritual companion-guide. From Victoria’s high plains, riverside suburbs and the arid red centre, I have found solace and meaning building a new kind kind of relationship with the land, its beings and its peoples. I have a Masters in Spirituality and am PACFA accredited as a counsellor. My professional work has ranged from counselling, carer counselling, grief and loss counselling and soul care counselling. My particular interest relates to spirituality of the land and pathways towards a sense of connectedness. Key influences include Miriam Rose Ungunmerr, Joanna Macy, John O’Donohue, Mary Oliver, Margaret Kemarre Turner, Matt Licata and Richard Rohr. Your sessions or workshops could range from:

•general counselling

•”walk and talk” counselling

•grief and loss counselling

•quiet guided nature-based mindfulness sessions,

•carer counselling

•spiritual companioning